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Information Foresna
Through our Navarra Forestal magazine, we inform you of the current situation in the forestry sector in Navarre, reporting on techniques and tools to improve forest management. In addition, we collect the updated prices of the sale of wood in Navarra. The publication is published twice a year and is sent free of charge to members and those who wish to subscribe.
Navarra Forestal
Forest Window
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We invite you to view our multimedia content on YouTube.
The Association has several books financed through European cooperation projects. These books are for sale at the Association.
In this section you will find the opinion articles issued by FORESNA-ZURGAIA that have been published in different media. In addition to articles that, due to their activity or relevance, may be of interest.
Click to expand and see the articles
- Navarra TV – Forest Bathing and Wellness
- Navarro Mountains Floating Circular Economy (07/03/2020)
- Daily News Tribune06-03-2020 – Planting and not managing, an empty road.
- Supplement International Day of Forests
- Video FORESNA_HELVETIA Protected Forests
- BOE_Nuevos cánones CHE
- Thirty municipalities, against the canon on communal poplars
- Basoak kudeatzen ez baditugu arazo larriak izanen ditugu
- The Muga May 21, 2018
- second edition newscast
- Navarra Daily Report
- Daily News Report
- Berria Report
- The forest, a resource that generates wealth
- The spokesman fire of the forest
- 2.3 million euros in the new call for forest aid
- The Government of Navarra allocates 2.3 million euros to the call for forest aid 2016-2017
- The words of the president of the CHE
- Beavers damage trees on the banks of the Arga in Pamplona
- Invest in forest conservation
- fire in winter
- The lack of direct aid weighs down the biomass sector
- Foresna denounces the delays to plant poplars of the CHE
- Subsidies after two years of hiatus
- Water for our mountains
- Help for our mountains
- Navarra recovers a fundamental Forestry Service
- Timber exploitation in 2010 returned to pre-Hurricane Klauss levels
- Eight localities plant 40,000 trees in three years with aid
- Roncaleses of wood and stone
Archive events