Foresna Zurgaia was born in 1992 with the need to create an Association that would bring together small forest owners and public entities that own forests. Our Foral Community is characterized by its great atomization of parcels, many owners, but with very small land surfaces, which made their management and proper development difficult.

Represent, defend and attend to the interests and rights of the owners and forest managers of Navarra, before the Public Administrations: regional, national and international.
Transmit the importance of Sustainable Forest Management to Society, through environmental education, the media and Certification.
Through Associationism we can promote the sustainable development of forest ecosystems to produce a continuous benefit in current and future generations.
We work to vindicate the role played by owners and managers in the application of different forestry activities with the aim of giving continuity to forests and offering society the multiple ecosystem services they generate.

Our team
Currently, the Navarra Forestry Association is made up of a manager and a technical body made up of Engineers, who are in charge of advising the member on everything related to their forests. This entails resolving doubts about administrative, legal and fundamentally practical situations that have to do with the management of its forest masses. The organization chart is
the next:

Juan Miguel Villarroel Garcia / 609455654

Antonio Astrain Romano
Técnico de zona media y / 696943127

Eduardo Montero Eseverri
Técnico de la zona del / 630259386

Ana Narvaiza

Teresa Marticorena
Currently, the Navarra Forestry Association is made up of different types of members. On the one hand, the Local Entities are represented by 62 City Councils, 26 Councils and 5 Valley Boards.
On the other hand, we have natural or legal persons who have forest property, or who, without having such property, are forest managers. This group is made up of 240 individual owners and 8 forest groups that bring together more than 262 forest owners with an area of 6,500 hectares.
To be part of our organization it is necessary to be the owner or manager of a mountain located in Navarra and pay the fee that is established based on the surface.